
TheMaterialstyleallowscustomizingfiveattributes,theme,primary,accent,foreground,andbackground.Allattributescanbespecifiedforanywindow ...,TheMaterialstyleisa100%cross-platformQtQuickControlsstyleimplementationthatfollowstheGoogleMaterialDesignGuidelines.Thestylerunsonany ...,2022年6月26日—1.Qt-Material.UN-GCPDS/qt-material.ThisisanotherstylesheetforPySide6,PySide2andPyQt5,whichlookslikeMateria...

Material Style

The Material style allows customizing five attributes, theme, primary, accent, foreground, and background. All attributes can be specified for any window ...

Material Style

The Material style is a 100% cross-platform Qt Quick Controls style implementation that follows the Google Material Design Guidelines. The style runs on any ...

PyQt theme_pyqt设置主题

2022年6月26日 — 1. Qt-Material. UN-GCPDS/qt-material. This is another stylesheet for PySide6, PySide2 and PyQt5, which looks like Material Design (close enough) ...


2022年9月23日 — 嫌自己画的 UI 界面太丑?一个个控件单独调整样式表太麻烦?那就试试本篇介绍的这个样式工具, qt-material ,它看起来类似于 Material Design ,除了支持 ...

Qt Material

Qt Material · Versions · Repository · Project Slug · Last Built · Maintainers · Badge · Tags · Short URLs. qt-material.readthedocs.io · qt-material.rtfd.io ...

Qt Material Documentation

2023年2月7日 — A window with almost all widgets (see the previous screenshots) are available to test all themes and create new ones. git clone https://github.


There is a qt_material.QtStyleTools class that must be inherited along to QMainWindow for change themes in runtime using the apply_stylesheet() method.


There is a qt_material.QtStyleTools class that must be inherited along to QMainWindow for change themes in runtime using the apply_stylesheet() method.


Qt-Material. This is another stylesheet for PySide6, PySide2, PyQt5 and PyQt6, which looks like Material Design (close enough).


2022年5月15日 — 一、qt-material. qt-material 是用于PySide6、PySide2、PyQt5和PyQt6的样式表,样式风格接近Material Design 。 这是一些深 ...